Congratulations to nursing education expert, Susan Birkhead, DNS, MPH, RN, CNE. The director of the Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing, Dr. Birkhead recently authored an article in nursing education’s premier journal, The Journal of Nursing Education. The article, “Testing off the Clock: Allowing Extended Time for All Students on Tests,” explores past and current testing practices, as well as the innovative approach of offering earlier start times.
Through her research, Dr. Birkhead found that standard timed tests had a negative impact on students, particularly those with undiagnosed learning disabilities or non-native English speakers. Conversely, extended time reduced test anxiety and achieved high success rates.
This examination of testing discrepancies highlights the dedication of Dr. Birkhead and educators at the Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing to ensuring all students have access to the resources they need to succeed.
Click here to see the article.