St. Peter’s Health Partners will hold a free seminar titled “Heart Valve Disease: What You Need to Know”
At the presentation, interventional cardiologist, Nish Patel, M.D., of Albany Associates in Cardiology, will discuss updates and treatment options for Heart Valve Disease including:
• Types of heart valve disease
• Symptoms of heart valve disease
• Diagnosis and treatment of heart valve disease
Free and open to the public, the presentation will take place:
Tuesday, October 15
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Mercy Auditorium – St. Peter’s Hospital campus
310 S. Manning Blvd. (Across the street from the hospital)
Space is limited and registration is required. Please call 1-800-HEART-76 (1-800-432-7876) to reserve a seat.
The program is presented by the St. Peter’s Health Partners Cardiac and Vascular Services