In its Innovation Spotlight, the Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS) profiles programs and services at member organizations that are improving health, enhancing quality, and reducing costs. It recently highlighted the “Medical-Legal Partnership” (MLP) St. Peter’s Health Partners formed with the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York (LASNNY) and Albany Law School.
From the article:
The MLP creates a synergy between healthcare providers and attorneys by offering legal services to low-income patients with qualifying, health-related legal difficulties. SPHP’s on-site attorney, Alexis Kutski, Esq., is backed by the expert staff of LASNNY, a comprehensive anti-poverty, civil legal services program. If Ms. Kutski is not able to handle a matter, it may be referred to one of her LASNNY colleagues. Patients may also be referred to Albany Law Clinic and Justice Center.
SPHP MLP has provided legal services for dozens of patients facing serious illnesses such as heart disease, liver failure, lung cancer, and more. Ms. Kutski has had 55 cases this year and her caseload is steadily growing.
To view the article, click HERE.