St. Peter’s Hospital ALS Regional Center was featured on WRGB/CBS6 News after receiving a heartfelt donation from two young sisters, made in memory of their late grandmother.
The girls, Quinn and Vivianna Estrom, raised $6,000 for ALS support from a Memorial Day lemonade stand, held at their grandparents’ house. Their grandmother, Sandy, affectionately known as ‘Nana’, passed away last year after a courageous battle with ALS. Sandy had been a patient at St. Peter’s Hospital ALS Regional Center.
From the report:
“Proud is an understatement,” said Kristin Estrom, the girls’ mother.
The lemonade stand began over Memorial Day weekend at their grandparents’ house in Loudonville. The idea came to Quinn as they were returning from vacation.
“We were coming home from vacation and Quinn was like, ‘Maybe we should sell lemonade.’ I asked, ‘For what?’ and she said, ‘For ALS,’” said Kristin Estrom.
But they exceeded their expectations, raising more than $6,000. “We raised over $6,000 to help people like Granny because we don’t want people to suffer like this,” said Quinn.St. Peter’s Health, which the family credits as a lifesaver, offers ALS-related services not covered by many insurance companies. Kristin Estrom reflected on the impact of her mother, Sandy.
“Best person in the whole world, best mom when she didn’t always have it easy, but she always put everyone before anything, and family was the most important thing for her,” she said.The sisters fondly remembered their grandmother. “She was just… whenever I was upset, she would take me out for ice cream or make s’mores,” said Vivianna.
“She was a really good person; we weren’t ready to say goodbye,” added Quinn.The family’s story is a testament to the enduring power of love and the legacy Sandy left behind. “Even if you’re put through a hard time, keep pushing,” said Quinn. “Love you so much. And I know you’d be so proud of your girls,” Quinn said.
Click here to watch WRGB’s full report.