8th Annual SART Conference to Be Held January 17

The Rensselaer County SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) 8th Annual Conference: “A Collaboration of Disciplines” will be held January 17, 2019 at Hudson Valley Community College in Troy.

The conference is a day for professionals from different disciplines to experience specialized training together. Attendees may choose from a variety of workshops which fit their interests and training needs.

Keynote speakers include New York State Police Investigator Gregory Overholt, and Nancy Harris and Sandy Stopera from St. Peter’s Health Partners, and April, a survivor of sexual assault. Also speaking will be Tracey Downing from the New York City Mayor’s Office.

The event is free to attend. Nurses in attendance are eligible for up to 6 Continuing Education Units.

Rensselaer County SART 8th Annual Conference “A Collaboration of Disciplines”
Thursday, January 17, 2019
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Hudson Valley Community College

*Registration is open until 1/03/19 by following: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SARTconference2019

or E-mail: Adrienne.Barker@sphp.com

The conference is presented by the Sexual Assault and Crime Victims Assistance Program at Samaritan Hospital, part of St. Peter’s Health Partners.




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