St. Peter’s Health Partners will hold a free community presentation titled, “Cardiovascular Disease: Man or Woman – What’s the Difference?”
At the presentation, cardiothoracic surgeon Marek Polomsky, M.D., will discuss cardiovascular disease, including how gender roles create differences in the disease and treatment options. Dr. Polomsky will also address questions including what therapies are available to treat the disease, what is the right time for surgery, and what surgery options are available?
Free and open to the public, the presentation will take place:
Tuesday, April 16
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Mercy Auditorium – St. Peter’s Hospital campus
310 S. Manning Blvd. (Across the street from the hospital)
Space is limited and registration is required. Please call 800-432-7876 to reserve a seat or register online by clicking here and then clicking on “Click to Chat.”
The program is presented by the St. Peter’s Health Partners Cardiac and Vascular service line.