Times Union: Growing Calls for ERs to Treat Addiction on Demand

The Times Union published a story on the role emergency rooms can play in cutting down on deaths due to opioid overdose.

Dr. Melissa Weimer, chief of behavioral health and addiction medicine for St. Peter’s Health Partners, was interviewed for the article, which explores the practice of offering on-the-spot dosing of buprenorphine, an opioid used to treat opioid addiction.

From the story:

Emergency departments have to rise to the challenge at that moment “because there are extreme access challenges in the outpatient addiction world,” said Dr. Melissa Weimer, chief of behavioral health and addiction medicine for St. Peter’s Health Partners.

St. Peter’s runs several emergency rooms in the Capital Region and is among a small handful of hospital systems nationwide to offer on-the-spot dosing of buprenorphine.

To read the full article, click HERE.


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