The Albany Times Union published a story examining the growing overdose crisis and calls for the authorization of overdose prevention centers in New York state. Such centers allow people to consume pre-obtained drugs while under medical supervision. They are then connected to services for additional help.
Jasmine Guerrero-Wiggs, operations manager for for St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center on Central Avenue in Albany, was interviewed for the story.
From the article:
Jasmine Guerrero-Wiggs, operations manager for St. Peter’s Addiction Recovery Center in Albany, said policymakers need to ensure drug users can access medication-assisted treatment without having to meet numerous requirements first.
“It can’t just be, ‘OK, you need to go into treatment, you need to do this first and that first before we end up giving you the medication,'” she said. “That has not been our approach. Our approach is medicating them, making sure they’re stable and then we work on the treatment afterwards.”
Click here to read the full story.