Your safety continues to be our top priority at St. Peter’s Health Partners. We are taking extra steps, exceeding standards and continuing to find new and innovative ways to keep you safe. But we need your help to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community. That is why we are calling on you to join our colleagues and providers in taking the Pledge to Protect — a promise to do your part to help keep your loved ones and our community safe. Here’s how you can help:
1. Take the Pledge
I pledge…
- To wear a mask in public, to do my part to prevent the spread of the virus.
- To maintain physical distancing whenever possible.
- To wash my hands often to prevent my germs from spreading.
- To take COVID-19 seriously to flatten the curve so fewer lives are affected by this disease.
- To protect the ones I love.
2. Signature
Head to sphp.com to sign your first name and last initial electronically to let us know you’ve taken the pledge
3. Post on Social Media
Tell us who you pledge to protect and be sure to tag us.
- Facebook @StPetersHealthPartners
- Instagram @StPetersHealthPartners
- Twitter @SPHPNews
- LinkedIn #StPetersHealthPartners
4.Facebook Frame
Use our Pledge to Protect Facebook Frame. It’s easy, simply take the pledge at https://www.sphp.com/for-patients/safe-visits#pledge and follow the embedded link to add the Facebook frame, or follow these instructions:
- Visit your Facebook profile and tap on the camera icon located at the bottom of your profile image.
- Choose the option “Add Frame.”
- In the search area, type “St. Peter’s Health Partners” and select the “Pledge to Protect” Frame.
- Select “Save” or “Use as Profile Picture” to publish.
Together, we can slow the spread!