Eddy Health Alert Technology Helps Elderly Client in Unexpected Way

Eddy Health Alert‘s emergency medical response system helps ensure the safety of elderly clients on-the-go, but recently, the technology was able to help a client in an unexpected way.

“Mary” accidentally left her purse behind in the shopping cart after unloading her groceries at an area store. She realized it upon her return home and called the store, but a thorough search by store employees turned up empty. No one had returned Mary’s purse to the store. Dismayed, Mary called the police.

The following day, Mary called Eddy Health Alert to report her medical unit missing. It had been inside her purse. Because Mary’s unit had the mobile GPS feature, manager Kathy Leonard made quick work of pulling up Mary’s account and soon tracked down the whereabouts of both her unit and her purse.

Mary asked Eddy Health Alert to report the information to the police. As a result, police were able to pinpoint the location of Mary’s purse and Eddy Health Alert unit, and return them to their owner. The man who allegedly kept Mary’s purse was charged. Mary sent Eddy Health Alert a grateful thank you note for helping return her purse and belongings.

For more information on how Eddy Health Alert services can help you, please contact Kathy Leonard at 518-833-1040.

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