Earlier this year, Sunnyview Foundation received a generous challenge grant that will help replace Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital’s wheelchair fleet. The Carlilian Foundation Challenge will provide up to $20,000 — approximately one-half the cost of the wheelchair project —and in turn, Sunnyview is tasked with raising the remaining funds from both individual and corporate donors.
“The role a wheelchair plays at Sunnyview is incredibly crucial to our patients’ overall experience,” said Lynne Nicolson, M.D., chief medical officer at Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital.
Dr. Nicolson said the hospital’s wheelchairs receive a great deal of wear and tear since they are used by many patients throughout the year—most of whom are “new drivers.” Additionally, the chairs are repeatedly cleaned for infection control. This pattern of use takes its toll on these critical pieces of medical equipment, necessitating frequent refurbishment and ultimately replacement.
“We are indeed grateful to the Carlilian Foundation for this challenge grant that will enable us to provide patients with wheelchairs that reflect Sunnyview’s high standard of quality care and compassion,” Dr. Nicolson said.
The Carlilian Foundation is a private foundation established by the late businessman, community leader, and philanthropist Charles W. Carl, Jr. Named for his mother, Lilian Carl, it was created as a way for Mr. Carl and his family to give back to the community he so loved.
The Carl family, which owned the Carl Company department stores in Schenectady from 1906 to 1984, was instrumental in the development and growth of the Schenectady business community. Organizations such as Proctors Theatre, Ellis Hospital, United Way, the YMCA, and the Rose Garden Restoration Committee in Schenectady’s historic Central Park have benefited greatly from the family’s generosity.
If you would like to make a donation to Sunnyview in support of the Carlilian Foundation Challenge, please click here or contact the Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation at 518-382-4586.