Did you know that leap year babies are called “leaplings” or “leapers”? A local family welcomed a cute little “leapling” to the world on February 29 at St. Peter’s Hospital. Meet leap year baby Connor J. Murphy, and learn the reason we have leap years just once every four years in this CBS6 News report.
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News 10: St. Peter’s Welcomes “Leaplings” to Capital Region
Two babies welcomed to the world at St. Peter’s Hospital on February 29 not only share a birthday, but they were also both featured in a story on WTEN 10 News about “leaplings” – babies born on February 29 in a Leap Year. Meet leap year babies Connor Murphy and Evangeline Tenney, as well as a “leapling” who celebrated her 104th birthday, in this WTEN report.
Parents Welcome Leap Year Babies at St. Peter’s Hospital
It is estimated that the odds of bearing the Leap Day birthday honor is around one in 1,461. It is a rare honor, to be sure – St. Peter’s is happy that Connor and Evangeline got to celebrate it with us! […]
NewsChannel 13: St. Peter’s Celebrates ‘Leap Day’ with New Births
Meet leap year babies Connor Murphy and Evangeline Tenney, as well as a “leapling” who celebrated her 104th birthday! […]