Eddy SeniorCare PACE to Relocate, Grow Program for Area Seniors

Eddy SeniorCare will expand its Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) and relocate from downtown Schenectady to a larger location in Rotterdam. The move will enable Eddy SeniorCare PACE to serve an additional 55 seniors in Schenectady County, an increase of 26 percent.

Eddy SeniorCare, part of St. Peter’s Health Partners (SPHP), will expand its Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) and relocate from downtown Schenectady to a larger location in Rotterdam.

The move to a larger facility will enable Eddy SeniorCare PACE to serve an additional 55 seniors in Schenectady County, an increase of 26 percent.

Kim Baker

“For 21 years, Eddy SeniorCare PACE has been committed to serving the elderly residents of Schenectady County,” said Kim Baker, president of continuing care at SPHP. “Moving to this larger location will enable us to increase the number of seniors we serve every day, expand and improve the care we provide, and make it easier for family members to visit their loved ones.”

PACE is a unique health management program designed to help frail elderly adults live independently in their community, manage their medical conditions, and avoid nursing home placement. Eddy SeniorCare has operated its PACE Program in Schenectady County since 1997.

The relocation will enable Eddy SeniorCare PACE to enhance the services it provides. Current PACE participants will continue to receive services at the new site, including transportation to and from the facility and medical appointments, without interruption.

SPHP will move Eddy SeniorCare PACE from its current 20,182-square-foot facility leased at 504 State St. in Schenectady, to 25,404 square feet of existing space at 1930 Curry Road in Rotterdam.

The additional space will allow PACE to grow its day center services by approximately 55 new participants. The location in Rotterdam also features more than 2,800 square feet of handicap-accessible landscaped outdoor space, which will enable expanded activities programming, including outdoor exercise groups, Tai Chi, and walking programs.

Eddy SeniorCare PACE is a unique health management program designed to help frail elderly adults live independently in their community, manage their medical conditions, and avoid nursing home placement.
Eddy SeniorCare PACE is a unique health management program designed to help frail elderly adults live independently in their community, manage their medical conditions, and avoid nursing home placement.

The new site also offers additional office space for Eddy SeniorCare’s team of primary care physicians, as well as on-sight providers including podiatry, optometry, and dental services.

The Curry Road location features parking next to the building, which will be more convenient for the family members of participating seniors, as well as visiting health care providers and vendors, and Eddy SeniorCare staff.

A covered portico at the Curry Road location will shorten and improve the bus loading and unloading experience for participating seniors.

Eddy SeniorCare PACE will lease the location in Rotterdam from Mallozzi’s Banquet & Ballrooms. The leased space is currently a banquet hall. The existing hotel adjoining the banquet facility will remain open. The Town of Rotterdam will review a subdivision of the parcel and a zoning change needed to accommodate the PACE Program.

Currently, Eddy SeniorCare is targeting an opening date of August 1, 2020, for its new location in Rotterdam.

The relocation will be funded in part by a $1 million grant from the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York.

To be eligible for Eddy SeniorCare PACE, individuals must be 55 years of age or older; qualify for nursing home level of care; qualify for long-term care services for more than 120 days; and live within Schenectady County or certain Albany County zip codes. For information, please call 855-376-7888.