Effective Wednesday, August 4, 2021, St. Peter’s Health Partners (SPHP) will be restricting visitation at St. Peter’s Hospital and Samaritan Hospital, due to the increasing Capital District test positivity rate of COVID-19.
The visitation hours will remain noon to 8 p.m. Patients will be permitted TWO UNIQUE visitors over 12 years of age in their room during visitation hours. Visitors are permitted to stay for the entirety of the noon to 8 p.m. visitation period.
For COVID patients, visitation is restricted to ONE UNIQUE vaccinated visitor if the patient is not undergoing any aerosol-generating procedures. COVID patients undergoing aerosol-generating procedures are not permitted to have any visitors at this time.
All visitors will continue to be asked to show ID and screened upon entry to the facility and must pass screening to visit, in accordance with NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH) contact tracing guidelines. Visitors must then report to the nurse’s station on the unit before entering the room. Visitors are not permitted to leave the patient’s room to eat in our cafes and coffee shops at this time, and they may only use the restrooms in the main lobby areas of the hospitals. Visitors who fail to agree to this guidance will be asked to leave the hospital.
This Guidance Does NOT Pertain to the Following Areas/Circumstances
- Emergency Department – 1 unique visitor for the duration of the visit. No visitors in hallway.
- Women’s and Children’s Department (including Labor and Delivery) – Maximum of 2 support people (includes Doula) are permitted at patient bedside.
- Inpatient Behavioral Health and Inpatient & Outpatient Detox Facilities – Determined on a per case basis.
- Hospital Outpatient Procedural Areas/Clinics/Medical Imaging – 1 visitor.
- NICU – 2 ID banded parent/guardian permitted at infant bedside. No other visitors.
- Patients undergoing same-day surgeries or procedures – 1 visitor in pre-op then visitor must leave the building; same individual may return during visiting hours or when called.
Visitors Allowed Outside of Noon – 8 p.m. Visitation Hours
- Patients with special needs who have an intellectual and/or developmental disability or cognitive impairment (including dementia) where the support person is determined to be essential to the care of the patient (medically necessary). ** Requires a provider order or documentation of cognitive impairment**
- Family meetings are permitted prior to noon for palliative care discussions, by appointment.
- End-of-life/hospice care – 2 individuals at a time, may have more than 2 individuals visit per day (underage visitation is permitted if accompanied by an adult) – exceptions may be granted by Hospice or Nursing leadership.
- Patients who require a discharge companion to facilitate a safe discharge.
Visitors who are at high risk for severe illness from COVID-19, such as older adults and those with underlying medical conditions, are still strongly discouraged from visiting. Likewise, a planned visit to any patient who is at higher risk of acquiring and suffering significant consequences from COVID-19 should be considered a greater risk than benefit to that patient.
The DOH or SPHP may adjust visitation policies at any time, based on the prevalence of COVID-19 in a region or county, or for other related reasons.
*Please note this change only applies to these two hospitals, not our Continuing Care campuses.
St. Peter’s Health Partners continues to offer safe, accessible care in its emergency departments at St. Peter’s Hospital, Samaritan Hospital, and Samaritan Hospital – Albany Memorial Campus. Telehealth services are also a convenient option for patients. To make an appointment or to schedule a surgery, procedure, or in-person visit, please visit: https://www.sphp.com/virtualhealth/.