[This article was written by Katie Cameron, MPH, BSW, site coordinator for St. Peter’s Diabetes & Endocrine Care, Diabetes Education Program.]
Nearly 88 million adults living in the U.S. have prediabetes, and more than 84 percent of them don’t even know they have it, according to the latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Prediabetes increases the risk for having a stroke and developing Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, all of which pose an increased risk of complications for individuals who find themselves battling COVID-19.
Earlier this summer, the CDC noted that patients with an underlying health condition were six times more likely to end up in the hospital and 12 times more likely to die if they contracted COVID-19. The study went on to report that less than two percent of previously healthy people died from the infection, compared to nearly 20 percent with preexisting conditions.
Your risk of getting very sick from COVID-19 is likely to be lower if your diabetes is well-managed. But, how do you know if you have prediabetes? A good place to start is to take the CDC’s self-assessment quiz at http://www.sphp.com/dpp.
If you, or an adolescent or adult you love, scored a five or greater on the quiz, or have previously been diagnosed with prediabetes by your physician, you are eligible to participate in a free diabetes prevention program sponsored by St. Peter’s Diabetes & Endocrine Care.
Our “PreventT2” lifestyle change program can help you make lasting changes to prevent Type 2 diabetes. The program, which meets weekly for 16 weeks, then bi-weekly, and then monthly, offers participants:
- A CDC-approved curriculum
- The skills you need to lose weight, be more physically active, and manage stress
- A certified diabetes education/trained lifestyle coach to guide and encourage you
- Support from other participants with the same goals as you
- Follow-up meetings to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle
Diet and exercise with weight loss are proven preventive measures against the development of Type 2 diabetes. St. Peter’s Diabetes & Endocrine Care can help you on your journey to take control of your health.
Our next Virtual Program is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, October 14, at 3 p.m. To register online, visit http://www.sphp.com/dpp. For questions, contact Katie Cameron at 518-447-3548 or email Katie.Cameron@sphp.com.