A viewing party was recently held on 3 Pavilion, the postpartum/newborn nursery wing at St. Peter’s Hospital, to celebrate their role in the New York State Department of Health’s (DOH) new educational video on newborn screening timeliness and proper specimen collection.
The care team on 3 Pavilion and St. Peter’s Health Partners’ corporate communications department assisted the DOH with the coordination and filming of the video. The final video, which can be viewed at the Department of Health, Wadsworth Center website, will be disseminated across New York state and throughout the mid-Atlantic through the New York – Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Genetic and Newborn Screening Services. It will be used in health care training programs throughout New York, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
Many thanks to the nurses who took time to be featured: Janet Provost, PCT; Shpresa Cakri, PCT; Sarah Tagliento, RN; and Megan Edwards, RN. Thanks also to Cathy Marino, database secretary and newborn screening coordinator, and JoAnn Lionarons, BSN, RNC, C-EFM, CLC, nurse manager for women’s services, who provided space and support to accommodate the film crew. And a special thanks to Tim Nyland, one of St. Peter’s Hospital’s couriers, who was also featured in the final video.
Staff at the Wadsworth Center took up a collection to purchase snacks for St. Peter’s Hospital nurses to enjoy during the screening. The treats were delivered with a note from Michelle Caggana, Ph.D., Deputy Director of the Division of Genetics and the Director of the Newborn Screening Program for New York State, thanking St. Peter’s Hospital staff for their assistance as well as acknowledging their “dedication to New York’s newest citizens and their families.”