St. Peter’s Health Partners will hold a free education seminar titled: “Surgical Treatment of Gallbladder Disease: What Patients Need to Know.”
This free seminar is open to the public and will take place:
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
6 to 7:30 pm
Mercy Auditorium
St. Peter’s Hospital Campus
310 S. Manning Blvd., Albany
(Across the street from the hospital)
The distinguished speaker, Rebecca Keim, MD, FACS of St. Peter’s Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery and St. Peter’s General Surgery will provide information on:
- Gallbladder disease
- Symptom management
- Surgery – Who can it help?
- Surgical treatment options – traditional and minimally invasive:
- Open surgery
- Laparoscopic surgery
- Robotic surgery
Light refreshments will be served, and free parking is available.
This is a free event, however space is limited. Registration is required by calling:
518-525-2-CARE (518-525-2227)