Spectrum News: Answering COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot Questions

Thomas P. Lombardi, BS, PharmD, RPh, FASHP, system director of pharmacy for St. Peter’s Health Partners, joined Spectrum News 1 to answer some commonly asked questions about COVID-19 booster shots.

From the story:

Health officials have given the green light to mixing and matching when it comes to booster shots.

For example, if you received the Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine, you may decide to get the Moderna vaccine booster.

Lombardi says if you are switching manufacturers for your booster, you still only need the booster shot, you don’t need to start over with the full series of that particular vaccine.

Some people have reported similar side effects to the original vaccine. Not everyone experiences side effects, but some of the more common ones are soreness at the injection site, fever and flu-like symptoms.

While supply was an issue for the initial vaccine rollout, Lombardi says right now, supply is not an issue in the area.

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