Ulster Publishing: The Face of Birthing Has Radically Changed

Exterior shot of St. Peter's Hospital in Albany, New York

Ulster Publishing, a Hudson Valley media company that publishes numerous weekly newspapers, special publications and websites, recently interviewed Sandra Michael, MST, BSN, RN, SNT, CLC, the manager of Community Integration and Lactation Services for the Women’s and Children’s Services division at St. Peter’s Hospital.

Sandra discussed St. Peter’s Hospital’s “Baby-Friendly” designation, which it earned last year after a lengthy review process by Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. as part of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative.

From the article:

St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany, just an hour north of Kingston, was the first in the Capital Region to receive designation as a baby-friendly facility by Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. St. Peter’s is one of only four such designees in Upstate New York. There are 17 BFHI-designated facilities in New York State.

That designation, according to Sandra Michael, MST, BSN, RN, SNT, CLC, manager of community integration and lactation services for the women’s and children’s division at St. Peter’s Hospital, was long sought after. It took seven years to achieve, finally received in October 2016.

“It’s really a revamp of a number of things we’re doing,” Michael said. “It’s multifaceted and a ton of work.”

To see the full story, click HERE, open the special section “Healthy Hudson Valley,” and go to page 4.


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