Steven Hanks, M.D., chief clinical officer for St. Peter’s Health Partners, appeared on WRGB/CBS6 News to discuss how local hospitals are preparing for an expected surge in COVID-19 cases over the holidays.
From the story:
The chief clinical officer at St. Peter’s Health Partners says they have been doing just that, and are already ahead of the curve.
“we have been working on identifying potential staff…but more importantly, we’ve moved into team-based models of care, to improve the productivity of our existing workforce, as we encounter rising numbers of cases.”
Dr. Steven Hanks says the team-based models allow individual nurses and doctors to care for more patients, because they have other staff they can call on for backup. Dr. Hanks says even with the surges they are seeing, he is confident they will get through the winter and to the point where a vaccine becomes readily available.
Click here to watch WRGB’s full report.