WTEN/News10 aired a story on St. Peter’s Health Partners’ candle-lighting ceremony held on May 12 in honor of National Nurses Week and International Nurses Day. The ceremony was held simultaneously at Samaritan and St. Peter’s hospitals and concluded with the song, “When You Believe.” WTEN interviewed Jessica Hankle and Emily Gray, both registered nurses at St. Peter’s Hospital.
From the story:
All nurses of St. Peter’s Health Partners were invited to stand in solidarity in honor of National Nurses Week. One by one, they lit their candles and spread messages of hope.
“Nurses are taught perseverance. Every day is going to be a different day. You come in and you just keep going,” said Jessica Hankle, Registered Nurse at St. Peter’s Hospital.
Nurses had to keep going as they held the hands of dying patients and had to say goodbye for many families. Nurse Emily Gray says in her first year of nursing nothing could prepare to the amount of death she had to witness.
“I spent two hours in a patient’s room who was actively dying and at that time family members weren’t allowed to come in. So we were in a group zoom chat, myself the patient and multiple of her family members as she took her last breath. That was very impactful for me,” said Hankle.
Click here to watch WTEN’s report.