[Virginia Golden, Chief Executive Officer of St. Peter’s Hospital and Albany Memorial Hospital, shared the below memo with staff.]
Dear Colleagues,
As we enter this holiday season, it provides the opportunity for each of us to pause and reflect on the blessings in our life. As I have shared with you many times, I am truly blessed by the honor and privilege of serving as the CEO of both St. Peter’s Hospital and Albany Memorial Hospital. As I have had an opportunity to meet and greet so many of you, I am in awe of your extraordinary competencies as caregivers and the spirit of compassion and empathy that you bring to each of our patients, colleagues and the community. At this time of year when images of angels abound, I believe each of you, in your own special way, is an angel exemplifying goodness, kindness and beauty in the care and service you provide. For that, I am deeply grateful and extend my appreciation to you.
I am also reminded – irrespective of the tumultuous events in our country and the world – that we live in a beautiful, diverse world, and that almost each day of the year is a scared time for someone, somewhere. In the next few days, as we celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, I hope that during this holiday season you will experience moments of joy, peace and happiness with friends and family.
Once again, I thank you for all your support and generosity to me as I have transitioned into the CEO for two great hospitals, who together have provided almost 300 years of service to our community. Our future is filled with boundless opportunities to transform care and continue to meet the needs of the community while maintaining that which is most important, the mission and core values of St. Peter’s Health Partners.
Bless each and every one of you this holiday season and in the New Year, and thank you for your continued dedication and service.