“Procrastination is Cancer’s Breast Friend.”
September 18 and September 26 are St. Peter’s Health Partners‘ fall mammogram days, and we are offering FREE Mammograms to employees and their spouses. The events will include giveaways, and refreshments for all, and door prizes for those more than two years past due for a mammogram. Mammograms are by appointment only, per NCCN/ACR guidelines.
Any female SPHP employee or spouse over the age of 40 is eligible for a free screening. Uninsured individuals are encouraged to attend. A prescription from your physician is required.
Screenings will take place:
Tuesday, September 18
12 – 5 pm
St. Peter’s Hospital Breast Center
317 S. Manning Blvd., Suite 305
Albany, NY
Wednesday, September 26
12 – 5 pm
St. Mary’s Hospital Women’s Imaging Center, 3rd Floor, DePaul Wing
1300 Massachusetts Ave.
Troy, NY
If the dates does not work for your schedule, please call to schedule for an alternate day. Call 518-525-6416 for an appointment. Fax prescription to 518-525-5481.